
Nancy Wang as Jay

Nate Smith (Co-Lead, Programming)
Finn Carney (Co-Lead, Design, Production, Sound)
Zachary Stephens (3D Modelling)
Alekai McAdam (Sound Design)
Eliot Eisner (Writing)
Axel Kazis-Taylor (Music, VA Direction)
Asha Berry (QA)
Morhan Yang (QA)

Kinship is a VR Delivery Game set in the Post-Post Climate Apocalypse. Different communities have formed throughout the world playing specific roles, and it’s you (the Bosun) and your ship Jay’s duty to deliver their goods to each other to ensure their continued survival. Listen to Jay as they instruct you on how to interact with and repair them, while also learning about the history of the world through their dialogue and notes. Featuring full voice-acting, dynamic music and multiple levels, Kinship is a VR game like no other.

I was co-lead / founder of the team working on Kinship, alongside Nate Smith. When the team was just us two, I helped lead game design, narrative design, sound design and level design, as well as art for both the ship and exterior environments, alongside other miscellaneous tasks such as programming how sandstorms and elevator functions. As the team grew, I took on the role of producer, creating flexible schedules for the team, a full game wiki to help document various parts of the game for reference, and led weekly sprint meetings, including in-person, remote and asynchronous. This also included being the primary contact for external personnel, with me often leading playtests and discussions, and creating all marketing material for the game, including trailers, descriptions, posters and gameplay footage.