Born and raised in London, England, I’ve been playing as long as I can remember.
An early gift of a Playstation 2 kickstarted my love of digital games, and it wasn’t long till I began crafting my own. By the time I was a teen I was actively writing games criticism while grabbing every occasional extra-curricular course in programming and game development, learning all I could to bring my ideas to players.
I went on to study Game Design at the NYU Game Center, where I graduated Summa Cum Laude in game design and where I was able to hone my understanding of all aspects of game development and the industry at large, and in turn produce work that was both personal and boundary pushing.
Every game is a simulation of some aspect(s) of reality.
Play is a powerful and important mental space. It allows us to get in touch with different realities and perspectives, exploring them personally, as they teach, comfort, and challenge us. These experiences are powerful because we play them, because they are our own to control and interpret. I have had revelations while playing, about myself and others and the world at large, and it is exactly those kinds of experiences that I hope to bring forward to others.
I make games that engage players to push further:
To explore concepts beyond their understanding,
To seek out viewpoints distinct from their own;
To validate player perspectives and to push back against them;
To imagine better worlds, no matter how utopic or dystopic the game’s vision may be.
Play is powerful, and a game designer must design carefully to ensure the outcome of play is a positive one. My life was built by this truth, and in turn it is what I dedicate my life to doing.